Sunday, March 9, 2008

* China Telah Memasuki Era Kereta Api Kecepatan Tinggi/High Speed Railways

Dgn datangnya Hari Raya Imlek yang lalu, maka berbondong2lah warga China pulang kampung alias mudik utk merayakan Imlek bersama keluarga sekaligus berkumpul bersama. Dan bagi Masyarakat di China sana yg mana di era kini yg kemajuan perekonomiannya kian pesat telah membuat sebagian besar warga China byk yg merantau ke berbagai Kota2 besar di China baik utk melanjutkan pendidikan ataupun utk mencari nafkah dan bekerja. Dan Hari Raya Imlek kian dianggap penting dan kian bermakna krn setelah sekain lama berpisah dgn keluarga, mereka akan pulang ke kampung halamannya masing2 di saat Imlek. Hari Libur nasional di Hari Raya Imlek di China adalah 3 hari, begitu jg di Taiwan, Hongkong dan Macau. Cm Singapore yg hari liburnya 2 hari.

Dan di Imlek Taon 2008 ini warga China seolah olah mendapat kado yg sangat istimewa dr pemerintahnya buat mudik yaitu Kereta Api Kecepatan Tinggi, di China kereta api masih merupakan sarana transportasi yg sangat penting, walaupun tranportasi udara udah sangat memadai bahkan katanya di kota2 kecil sekalipun sdh ada airport, apalg kl berbicara tentang jalan rayanya maupun jalan bebas hambatan alias jalan tol. Pembangunan Jalan tol di China boleh di bilang yg plg cepat perkembangannya di dunia, dan panjang keseluruhan jalan tol di China skrg sudah melebihin 50.000 km dan menempatkannya sebagai negara yg keseluruhan jalan tolnya terpanjang kedua di dunia setelah Amrik. Dan bandingkan dgn Indonesia yg panjang jalan tol keseluruhan cuma skitar 620 km.

Bagi yg belum tau, China pd tanggal 18 april 2007 yg lalu secara resmi mengumumkan memasuki era kereta api kecepatan tinggi (high speed railway era).
dan ini momentum yg sangat penting buat China di bidang perkereta apiannya yg katanya memasuki tahapan ke-6 dr perkembangan perkereta apiannya. dr sini jelas terlihat bahwa China punya planning yg sangat2 terarah dan jelas, kemajuannya setahap demi setahap tp berkesinambungan.

di Asia ini cm 4 negara yg baru mempunyai kereta api kecepatan tinggi, ke-4 negara adalah Jepang, Korea, China dan Taiwan.
khusus utk Taiwan, era high speed railwaynya hampir bersamaan dgn China, cm Taiwan lebih duluan beberapa bulan kl ga salah. Dan China punya lebih byk tipe kereta api kecepatan tingginya dibanding Taiwan yg cm satu model.

Kereta api kecepatan tinggi di China di sebut China Railway HighSpeed (CRH), dan kereta api kecepatan tinggi di Taiwan di sebut Taiwan High speed Railway (THSR)

Sumber :
First high-speed train takes the rail, pulls China into high-speed era

SHANGHAI, April 18 2007 (Xinhua)

A train designed to run at speeds up to 250 km per hour left Shanghai for Suzhou early Wednesday morning, ushering in the era of high-speed rail travel in the world's fastest growing economy. Nationwide, 280 high-speed trains left stations on their first high-speed runs on Wednesday. By the end of the year there will be more than 500 high-speed trains in service.

Train D460 left Shanghai at 5:38 a.m. and arrived in Suzhou 39 minutes later, cutting travel time for the 112 km journey almost in half.

"It felt like we were traveling on an airplane," said 78-year-old Chen Lijuan, a native of Suzhou who lives in Shanghai." In the past it took more than an hour to get here."
Liu Dongwei, the 38-year-old driver of the train, has seen six "speed boosts" on Chinese railways since 1997.

"The speed limit for trains has risen dramatically, from 40 to 50 kilometers per hour to the current 250 kilometers per hour," he said. When Liu started his career in 1993, he shoveled coal into a steam locomotive. "My job has become easier as it's more like operating an airplane," Liu said proudly of his train, which is powered by multiple electric engines.

Chinese railway officials said last year that China accounted for a quarter of the world's total railway transport volume, while its total rail lines were only 6 percent of the world's total length. "The sixth speed lift will boost passenger and cargo capacity by more than 18 percent and 12 percent respectively," said Hu Yadong, vice-minister of railways.

More China-made high-speed trains to hit the rails

China will put more than 500 China-made high-speed trains into operation this year after boosting the speed limit for rail traffic for the sixth time, the Ministry of Railways said on Thursday. The speed boost will start on April 18, said Hu Yadong, the ministry's vice minister, at a press conference held in Beijing.

Hu said 280 high-speed trains will be put into operation on April 18 and a total 514 such trains be in use by the end of this year.Hu said raising the speed limit will help to boost passenger and cargo capacity on the nation's 77,000-km railway lines by 18 percent and 12 percent respectively.

Travel time between major cities will be slashed by up to 50 percent as the trains will travel at speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour, said Hu. Currently, express trains in China travel at an average of 115 kilometers per hour.

He Huawu, chief engineer of the ministry, said the upgrade of 6,003 kilometers of track has cost an estimated 29.6 billion yuan (3.8 billion U.S. dollars). The high speed trains show that China has mastered technology that was once held by Japan, Germany and France, said Zhang Shuguang, the ministry's deputy chief engineer.

Kapan yah pemerintah kita kasih hadiah beginian juga? Semoga pemerintah ada yang ngebaca blog gwe nih. hehehhe..

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